Ahmed R
ami, Founder of Radio Islam, Tel: (Sweden) + 46-708121240



Ahmed Rami
La première Semaine en Suède, 1973
First week in Sweden 1973.

Ahmed Rami
L´officier Ahmed Rami
Officer Ahmed Rami.

Ahmed Rami with his T-54 1970.

Ahmed Rami holding speach in the military academy after
being elected as chief editor of the military journal "Le Flambau ".

Ahmed Rami and soldiers 1970.

During parachute-
practise in Rabat 1969.

Ahmed Rami à son arrivée en Suède

Ahmed Rami 1998

Autres photos et illustrations
publiées dans le livre d´Ahmed Rami "Ett liv för frihet "
Other Photos in this bok

Ahmed Rami, meeting:

Ahmed Rami, is Writer, journalist and Founder of the radio station Radio Islam, Phone: +46-708121240

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